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Hokuloa UCC strives To Be Like Jesus on the Big Island.
Your faithful stewardship helps Hokuloa UCC carry out its mission and meet financial obligations. Your time, talents, and treasure allow us to Be the Church. 
Hokuloa UCC has a long history of making our church and grounds available for use by community groups. 

AA meetings are held at Hokuloa twice a week. 

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Hokuloa Church partners with CarePortal to serve children and families in crisis. Jesus cast the widest net of love, tearing down cultural biases and promoting radical, personal generosity and concern for those in need. With that example, CarePortal brings together diverse constituents – government agencies, churches, businesses, schools, and other ministries – to support children and families in crisis regardless of race, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, nationality, political leanings, etc. CarePortal is a technological tool connecting referring social service agencies and churches.

Anne Dressel and Anne Marie Murphy monitor CarePortal requests and recommend how Hokuloa Church can respond as part of our Local Mission effort. Contact Anne or Anne Marie for further information. Hokuloa Church has responded to three requests in recent weeks:

  • Single mother with 3 biological children licensed for foster care and has been providing (mostly) short term care for two more young children in her home. Hokuloa donated $175 to help buy beds.

  • A young teenage mom is due with her first baby in the next month. The baby and mother have not had access to prenatal care or resources throughout her pregnancy, so she is just now starting to gather supplies for this baby. She is very excited about being a mom and making efforts to plan well for her future. The most immediate needs are a bassinet and stroller/car seat since the baby could be born any day now. Hokuloa donated $150 to help the young mom.

  • Singled mother of 4 in need of immediate help to get back on her feet after losing her husband and dealing with the aftermath of the Lahaina wildfires. This mom has been pushing through all the tragedy that she has had to face and is now in a place where she is in dire need of help to catch up with her electric and water bill. Mom is currently working on getting help from other agencies but the time that it will take, and the back log of applications will not get it paid on time. Hokuloa donated $400.00 to help with the utility bills.

Join the online Prayer Support Group (PSG). Receive periodic emails. PRAY. Bring the requests to God in prayer.

Contact Marjorie Mrasek, the PSG Leader, at the Church Office to participate

LOCAL MISSON UPDATE - The Food Basket -Year Ending 2024

Many blessings were given to Hokuloa UCC Church in the form of food and monetary donations.

Hokuloa's annual holiday local mission effort to alleviate hunger and food insecurity on the Big Island started, November 24 and ended December 24.  The food drive is part of our local mission effort to address hunger and food insecurity on the Big Island.

All donations went to The Food Basket - an island-wide food distribution network that serves our neighbors.

Money donated for the 2024 Food Drive was $3,275 plus $200 in gift cards for a grand total of $3,4475!  Food and non-perishable items donated weighed in at 1,035 pounds!  This went a long way in addressing hunger and food insecurity on Hawai'i Island.

A heart-felt thank you and mahalo to everyone for all they did to accomplish this.

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LOCAL MISSON UPDATE - Salvation Army Year End 2024

MAHALO to those individuals who donated their time on Tuesdays to "ring the bell" at KTA in Waikoloa.  Hokuloa UCC raised $2,353!   Donations raised benefit our neighbors in North Hawaii – through social services that range from providing food for the hungry, relief for disaster victims, assistance for the disabled, outreach to the elderly and ill, clothing and shelter to the homeless and opportunities for underprivileged children.

Marshall Islands Mission Project Continues

The Waikoloa Marshallese Ministry, a sister UCC congregation that meets at Hokuloa Church, has a periodic mission project to collect and send needed items to the Marshall Islands. A cargo container is currently staged along Puako Beach Drive near the church. It will be filled with donated items to be shipped to the Marshall Islands. Anything useful will be accepted - nonperishable food, furniture, baby strollers, and more. Cash donations can also be sent to Hokuloa Church with a "Marshall Islands Mission" designation to help offset container and shipping costs. This is the final week for this mission project.

Church Maintenance

The seven windows in the chapel need to be replaced. Age, moisture and termites have taken a toll on the windows. Replacements need to be in accordance with the historical nature of the building. Bids for windows are being solicited. It is anticipated that installation will be the most costly part of the replacement process. David Murphy is taking the lead on this project. Additional funds are still needed.

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Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. -Peter 4:9 (NIV)

Your Church by the Ocean           Updated  02/14/2025

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