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Come and join us, for worship.  All are welcome.
Your Church by the Ocean
Sundays at 9 am.

Weekly email, available on Friday
    News of the Church

    Sunday's Order of Worship
    Children's Bulletin and More

Would you like to receive the Weekly Email? Share your email address with the church office.

Hokuloa Church partners with CarePortal to serve children and families in crisis. Jesus cast the widest net of love, tearing down cultural biases and promoting radical, personal generosity and concern for those in need. With that example, CarePortal brings together diverse constituents – government agencies, churches, businesses, schools, and other ministries – to support children and families in crisis regardless of race, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, nationality, political leanings, etc. CarePortal is a technological tool connecting referring social service agencies and churches.

Anne Dressel and Anne Marie Murphy monitor CarePortal requests and recommend how Hokuloa Church can respond as part of our Local Mission effort. Contact Anne or Anne Marie for further information. Hokuloa Church has responded to three requests in recent weeks:

  • Single mother with 3 biological children licensed for foster care and has been providing (mostly) short term care for two more young children in her home. Hokuloa donated $175 to help buy beds.

  • A young teenage mom is due with her first baby in the next month. The baby and mother have not had access to prenatal care or resources throughout her pregnancy, so she is just now starting to gather supplies for this baby. She is very excited about being a mom and making efforts to plan well for her future. The most immediate needs are a bassinet and stroller/car seat since the baby could be born any day now. Hokuloa donated $150 to help the young mom.

  • Singled mother of 4 in need of immediate help to get back on her feet after losing her husband and dealing with the aftermath of the Lahaina wildfires. This mom has been pushing through all the tragedy that she has had to face and is now in a place where she is in dire need of help to catch up with her electric and water bill. Mom is currently working on getting help from other agencies but the time that it will take, and the back log of applications will not get it paid on time. Hokuloa donated $400.00 to help with the utility bills.

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Church Officer Election / Congregational Meeting

In case you haven't noticed, it is election season. Each November Hokuloa Church elects church officers to serve on the Church Council for the upcoming year. Church officers include the Moderator, Co-Moderator, Secretary, Co-Secretary, Treasurer, and Co-Treasurer.

David Murphy is leading the Officer Nominating process this year. It would be wonderful if we had more candidates than officer positions this year. Email or call the church office or speak to David if you want information about officer responsibilities or qualifications. You may volunteer yourself as a nominee or recommend someone you think would be a good church officer.

The Church Council has scheduled a Congregational Meeting on Sunday, November 17th, after worship and fellowship to elect church officers and conduct other business.

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The 2024 Our Faith Our Vote campaign in the UCC asks the church "to answer the call of 1 John 3:18 to 'let us not love with words or speech, but in action and in truth,' by 'voting with love.' Vote with love for creation, for our neighbors both here and abroad, for a just peace, for repair and reconciliation of the brokenness of our nation.

Hawaii voters will see two questions related to amendment of the state constitution on their ballots this year. The first question gives voters the option of repealing language added to the constitution in 1998 that gave the legislature the authority to reserve marriage to opposite-sex couples. Basic information on the questions is available from the Office of Elections and a more in-depth analysis is available in an article from the Reason Foundation. A 'Yes' vote on question 1 is consistent with Hokuloa's Open & Affirming statement adopted in 2019.

Guidelines for Congregations on Political Action }

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Sunday, October 20, 2024 at 9 AM (HST)
22th Sunday after Pentecost

Laity Sunday / Jazz Service

Laity Sunday celebrates the ministry of all Christians as they love God and neighbor. On Laity Sunday, we continue to lift up the vocation of all to follow the way of Jesus and lead others to him.

Pastor Eric has been off-island for much of this week, so laity will lead our worship on Sunday. Hokuloa's Music Director, Gary Ross has worked with George Winchell and others to prepare a service that features music as a means of worship. The selected scripture readings and liturgy emphasize the role of music in worship. Guest Musician, Delphina Dorrance will join Gary in a number of jazz selections.

Music and worship are deeply intertwined, as music has a unique ability to express the inexpressible and draw people into a deeper connection with the divine. Through melody, rhythm, and harmony, music transcends words, creating space for prayer, reflection, and praise. In worship, it becomes a bridge between the human soul and God, allowing emotions, thoughts, and spirit to flow freely. Whether through traditional hymns, contemporary songs, or spontaneous improvisation, music enhances the communal experience of faith, uniting hearts and lifting them towards the sacred.

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Revised Common Lectionary Scriptures for this Sunday from the New Revised Standard Version Bible translation.

Job 38:1–7, (34–41)
Psalm 104:1–9, 24, 35c
Hebrews 5:1–10
Mark 10:35–45

Hokuloa Church will not be reading the lectionary texts during worship on Laity Sunday, but you are encouraged to read the scripture lessons as part of your personal devotions.

Join Zoom Meeting*
Meeting ID: 349 331 7110

* This event may be recorded. By attending this event, you grant Hokuloa UCC the right to use your name, image, and statements, as recorded, and release Hokuloa UCC from all liability associated with the use of your name, image and statements.

Download or print the Order of Worship for the service.

Got Kids? Click for the Children's Bulletin.


Fall is the time of year when Hokuloa Church reaches out to members and friends to ask you to consider support for our church, now and in the future. Conversations about money are often difficult. Money is a topic which creates discomfort for many. We ask you to search your heart about what this church means to you and how you can help us continue our ministry and mission. We value volunteers’ gifts of time and talent that keeps our church alive; and we have a building, staff and vital outreach ministries that require funding.

The spiritual practice of generosity arises from imagining all that God calls us to do as community. Financial support to our congregation makes it possible to turn what we imagine into reality. Through your annual commitments to this church, we imagine together all that we can do in our church, community and the world in 2025. Watch your mailbox for a letter from the Hokuloa Stewardship Committee. The 2025 Time, Talent, Treasure pledge form can also be emailed to the church office. There will be a blessing of gifts and pledges for 2025 during the worship service on November 17th.



Exploring the Lord's Prayer and the Beatitudes in Aramaic, the language spoken by Jesus. Our next series will cover Beatitudes 6 -10.

Check the Upcoming Events tab for more information.

Be sure to view the UPCOMING EVENTS and MISSIONS page for this week's updates

Hokuloa's search for a part-time Bridge Pastor and a full-time Designated Term Pastor continues. The Pastoral Search Committee has recently received Pastoral Profiles from candidates for each of the postions. The committee is reviewing the profiles and may conduct interviews as Hokuloa Church and the candidates continue the discernment process.

Trustees at Work

David Murphy and Jack Olson installing a new, larger flat screen monitor on the front wall of the sanctuary, above the organ on Thursday morning. This replaces the former monitor which was on a scaffold on the pulpit side of the altar. The monitor is used to project hymn lyrics, the portions of the liturgy that the congregation reads during worship services, and to connect with those who attend worship via Zoom. A series of photos of the church are projected on the screen during our open house on Thursdays. The monitor can also be used by community groups that meet at the church. Pray that they learn how to work the remote before Sunday. 

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Congratulations to Gary Hoff - Gary Hoff's painting, "The Souls of the Slain Ascending," is part of the Wailoa Center's Surrealism Show during the month of October in Hilo.

Gary is a member of Hokuloa UCC, Puako and retired after 16 years teaching Art History at Kamehameha High School, Kea'au campus. He currently works as the local editorial cartoonist for the Hawaii Tribune-Herald.

Ever wonder about the beautiful painting of Hokuloa Church that is at the back of the sanctuary?

It was painted by Bob Appleman!  Next time you are in the Church, take a few minutes to carefully examine the painting!  Thank you for beautifying the Church.



Hokuloa's Prayer Group

Hokuloa Church has an active Prayer Ministry. You are invited to share your intercessory prayers, joys, or concerns during worship each Sunday. You can also request prayers during the week by emailing the church office. You may ask that your prayer request remain confidential. Non-confidential prayer requests are shared with the Prayer Support Group.

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God;s varied grace. . .  -1Peter 4:10 ESV
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