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Your Church by the Ocean
Sundays at 9 am.

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Henry 'Ōpūkaha'ia Sunday

Part of the Hokuloa Church mission statement is to celebrate the traditions of our faith and the unique gifts of our Hawaiian heritage, sharing our aloha with neighbors near and far. With the Hawai‘i Conference United Church of Christ, we pause to remember Henry ‘Ōpūkaha‘ia, a Hawaiian boy far from home, whose devotion to his new-found faith in Jesus Christ, and his passion to share that faith in his homeland, inspired the first company of missionaries who sailed from Boston to Hawai‘i on October 23, 1819.

Among those who sailed aboard the Thaddeus that day were four young kanaka maoli, young men of Hawai‘i.  They were friends of ‘Ōpūkaha‘ia who, before his untimely death at age 26, had studied with him at the Foreign Mission School in Cornwall, Connecticut.  They were determined to carry out ‘Ōpūkaha‘ia’s dream of sharing Christ's gospel of love with the people of Hawai‘i.  Their names were Thomas Hopu, William Kanui, John Honoli‘i, and George Humehume, the son of Kauai's chief.

Also sailing that day were seven missionary couples, newly commissioned representatives of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions:  Rev. Hiram & Sybil Bingham, Rev. Asa & Lucy Thurston, Samuel & Mary Ruggles, Dr. Thomas & Lucia Holman, Samuel & Mercy Whitney, printer Elisha & Maria Loomis, and farmer Daniel & Jerusha Chamberlain, and their five children.  All of them knew of ‘Ōpūkaha‘ia, and several had been his classmates at the Cornwall Foreign Mission School.

After a difficult voyage of five months, the Thaddeus reached Hawai‘i Island in March of 1820.  On April 11, 1820, King Liholiho formally invited the missionaries to remain and begin their work among his people.  Hawaiian ali‘i on O‘ahu, Maui and Kaua‘i followed Liholiho's lead, and soon the good news, nū ‘oli, was being preached and taught to people in all parts of the Hawaiian Islands.  With substantial assistance from Hawaiian scholars, poets and orators, the entire Bible was translated from the original languages into ‘ōlelo Hawai‘i in 1839, significantly contributing to the remarkable literacy of the Hawaiian population


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February Events

Installation Sunday


Sunday, February 16, 2025 at 9 AM (HST)
8th Sunday after Epiphany

Where we place our trust, how we discern what is important, and what we seek in life determines our path. Sometimes we are aware of these choices, sometimes not. When we find ourselves seeking nourishment from that which cannot sustain life we know that we have wandered into the wilderness and need to find our way home.

Our Hawaiian hymn this week is  Mele o ‘Opukaha‘ia (For the Islands and Their People).   The Gospel Reading tells of Jesus' Sermon on the Plain and includes Luke's version of the Beatitudes - the core teachings of Jesus. Hokuloa's Lay Minister, Pat Dunham's meditation is entitled Blessed?



Verse 1

For the islands and their people

All who call Hawai‘i theirs

For the mountains and the oceans

Offer we our grateful pray’rs

For the hope of Obookiah 

That their gospel might be brough

t For the faith of those who answered

For the teachers and the taught 

Verse 2

God who searches and who knows us

Understands each thought of ours

Thou who leads and though who hold us

Lay Thy hand upon our pow’rs

Grant that in our generation 

We, like them, may dare to say 

Here am I, Lord, use me! Send me!

As of old so now today. Amen.


Revised Common Lectionary Scriptures for this Sunday from the New Revised Standard Version Bible translation.

Jeremiah 17:5-10
Psalm 1
1 Corinthians 15:12-20
Luke 6:17-26

Download or print the Order of Worship for the service.

Got Kids? Click for the Children's Bulletin.

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Meeting ID: 349 331 7110

* This event may be recorded. By attending this event, you grant Hokuloa UCC the right to use your name, image, and statements, as recorded, and release Hokuloa UCC from all liability associated with the use of your name, image and statements.


Hokuloa's Prayer Group

Hokuloa Church has an active Prayer Ministry. You are invited to share your intercessory prayers, joys, or concerns during worship each Sunday. You can also request prayers during the week by emailing the church office. You may ask that your prayer request remain confidential. Non-confidential prayer requests are shared with the Prayer Support Group.



Hokuloa strives To Be Like Jesus on the Big Island. Your faithful stewardship helps Hokuloa carry out its mission and meet financial obligations. Your time, talents, and treasure allow us to Be the Church. 

View our Missions page for more information!

But let those who love Him be like the sun when it comes out full strength.
Judges 5:31 (NKJV)

Your Church by the Ocean           Updated  02/14/2025

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